Clinical publications Filtre Product range Canine Veterinary Diets & related products Complementary Complementary balanced Complete Pet Food SupplementFeline Veterinary Diets & related products Complementary Complementary balanced Complete Pet Food SupplementCanine Expert Care Nutrition Complementary Complementary balanced Complete Pet Food SupplementCanine Maintenance Nutrition Complementary Complementary balanced Complete Pet Food SupplementFeline Expert Care Nutrition Complementary Complementary balanced Complete Pet Food SupplementFeline Maintenance Nutrition Complementary Complementary balanced Complete Pet Food Supplement Species CanineFeline Canine size and breeds Large Athletic Afghan Hound Akita Alaskan Malamute American Foxhound Atlas Mountain Dog (AÏDI) Belgian Sheepherd Dog Groendael Belgian Shepherd Dog Malinois Belgian Shepherd Dog Tervuren Bergamasco Shepherd Dog Berger de Beauce Black and Tan Coonhound Borzoi Russian Hunting Sighthound Bouvier des Flandres Boxer Briard Catahoula Leopard Dog Dalmatian Deerhound Doberman Dogo Argentino English Pointer English Setter French Pointing Dog German Shepherd Dog German Wire haired Pointing Dog Giant Schnauzer Goldendoodle Gordon Setter Great Dane Greyhound Hungarian Greyhound Irish Setter Irish Wolfhound Italian Pointing Dog Italian Spinone Labradoodle Large Athletic Mied Breed Large Munsterlander Old English Sheepdog Owtcharka Picardy Sheepdog Polish Greyhound Poodle Rhodesian Ridgeback Russian Black Terrier Saarloos Wolfhound Saluki Schnoodle Scottish Deerhound Sloughi Spanish Greyhound Treeing Walker Coonhound Weimaraner White Swiss Shepherd DogLarge Robust Akbash Artois Hound Bavarian Mountain Scent Hound Bernese Mountain Dog Black Mouth Cur Bloodhound Broholmer Bullmastiff Caucasian Shepher Chesapeake Bay Retriever Chinook Chow Chow Clumber Spaniel Dogue de Bordeaux Entlebuch Estrela Mountain Fila Brasileiro Flat/Curly Coated Retriever Foxhound. There are two Foxhounds, English and American and both are in the list French Hound French Mastiff = Dogue de Bordeaux) Goldador Golden Retriever Great Gascony Blue Greater Swiss Mountain Dog Hovawart Italian Cane Corso Kangal Sheepherd = Anatolian Kangal Shepherd Dog Komondor Kuvasz Labrador Retriever Landseer Large Robust Mixed Breed Leonberger Majorca Sepherd / Ca de Bestiar Maremma and the Abruzzes Sheepdog Mastiff Neapolitan Mastiff Newfoundland Otterhound Pyrenean Mountain Dog Rottweiler Saint Bernard Tibetan MastiffMedium Airedale Terrier American English Coonhound American Staffordshire Terrier American Water Spaniel Appenzell Cattel Dog Australian Cattle Dog Australian Shepherd Azawakh Basset Hound Beagle Bearded Collie Bernedoodle Bluetick Coonhound Border Collie Boykin Spaniel Brittany Spaniel Bull Terrier Bulldog Canaan Dog Cardigan Welsh Corgi Collie Curly Coated Retriever Dalmatian Dutch Decoy Dog Kooikerhondje English Cocker Spaniel English Foxhound English Springer Spaniel Entlebuch Cattle Dog Finnish Lapponian Dog Finnish Spitz Flat Coated Retriever French Bulldog French Water Dog German Pinscher German Short haired Pointing Dog German Wolfsspitz / Keeshond Gordon Setter Harrier Hungarian Short haired Pointer / Vizsla Ibizan Podenco Icelandic Sheepdog Irish Red and White Setter Irish Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier Irish Terrier Irish Water Spaniel Kerry Blue Terrier Kleiner Munsterlander Korea Jindo Dog Medium Mixed Breed Montenegrin Mountain Hound Norwegian Buhund Norwegian Elkhound Norwegian Lundehund Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever Pharaoh Hound Plott Polish Lowland Sheepdog Portuguese Water Dog Puli Redbone Coonhound Samoyed Schnauzer Shar Pei Shetland Sheepdog Siberian Husky Stabijhoun Staffordshire Bull Terrier Standard Dachshund Swedish Vallhund Treeing Tennessee Brindle Welsh Springer Spaniel Welsh Terrier Whippet Wire haired Pointing Griffon Korthals XoloitzcuintleSmall Affenpinscher Alaskan Klee Kai American Eskimo Dog Australian Silky Terrier Australian Terrier Basenji Bedlington Terrier Bichon Frise Bolognese Border Terrier Boston Terrier Cairn Terrier Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Cesky Terrier Chihuahua Chinese Crested Dog Cockapoo Continental Toy Spaniel Coton de Tulear Dandie Dinmont Terrier English Toy Spaniel Field Spaniel Fox Terrier German Toy Spitz / Pomeranian Grifon Bruxellois Havanese Irish Glen of Imaal Terrier Italian Sighthound Jack Russell Terrier Japanese Chin Lakeland Terrier Lancashire Heeler Lhasa Apso Little Lion Dog Maltese Maltese Shih Tzu Maltipoo Manchester Terrier Miniature Dachshund Miniature Pinscher Miniature Schnauzer Norfolk Terrier Norwich Terrier Peekapoo Pekingese Pembroke Welsh Corgi Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen Pocket Beagle Pomsky Pug Puggle Pyrenean Sheepdog Rat Terrier Schipperke Scottish Terrier Sealyham Terrier Shetland Sheepdog Shiba Shih Tzu Skye Terrier Small Mixed Breed Sussex Spaniel Tibetan Spaniel Tibetan Terrier Toy Fox Terrier Welsh Terrier West Highland White Terrier Yorkipoo Yorkshire Terrier Feline size and breeds Large Bengal Bengal Longhair Chartreux Chausie Egyptian Mau Highland Lynx Himalayan Large Mixed Breed Maine Coon Maine Coon Polydactyl Neva Masquerade Norwegian Forest Pixiebob Pixiebob Longhair RagaMuffin Ragdoll Sacred Birman Savannah Selkirk Rex Longhair Selkirk Rex Shorthair Siberian Snowshoe Somali Sphynx Don (Donskoy) Toyger Turkish VanMedium American Bobtail American Bobtail Shorthair American Shorthair American Wirehair Australian Mist Balinese British Longhair British Shorthair Burmese, European Burmilla Burmilla Longhair Corolpoint Shorthair Cymric Exotic Exotic Lognhair German Rex Havana Brown Japanese Bobtail Japanese Bobtail Longhair Khao Manee Korat Kurilian Bobtail Longhair Kurilian Bobtail Shorthair Lykoi Manx Medium Mixed Breed Minuet Minuet Longhair Ocicat Oriental Longhair Oriental Shorthair Persian Russian Blue Scottish Fold Scottish Fold Longhair Scottish Straight Scottish Straight Longhair Siamese Siamese Traditional Sokoke Somali Thai Turkish AngoraSmall Abyssinian American Curl Longhair American Curl Shorthair Bombay Burmese Cornish Rex Devon Rex LaPerm Longhair LaPerm Shorthair Munchkin Munchkin Longhair Nebelung Peterbald Singapura Small Mixed Breed Sphynx Tonkinese Life stages Adult 1 to 7 yearsAdult 7 +Adult 9 + (canine only)GeriatricGestationGrowthJunior 6 weeks to 1 yearLactationMatureMiddle agedNursingSeniorWeaning Specific needs Healthy Maintenance Adult Duo Delice Dental Plus Longevis Opti Light OptiAge OptiAge OptiBalance OptiDerma OptiDigest OptiPower OptiRenal OptiStart OptiWeightLife style cat House cat/living indoors/housecat Less active or sedentary Neutered/Spayed/Sterilised Outdoor Overweight/lightLife style dog Less active or sedentary Overweight/light Performance athlete Sterilized Working herding dog Working hunting dog Working weight pulling dogNutritional Choices Bio Gluten free Grain free Limited ingredient Natural Non GMO OrganicProtect and Support Delicate Fussy appetite Oral Health complete Prone to dental plaque and tartar Prone to hairballs/hairball control Prone to halitosis Sensitive digestion/stomach Sensitive skin/itch relief Recommended for Allergy/Adverse reactions to food Adverse reactions to food Elimination diet for food trials Elimination diet trials Food allergy: long term management Food intoleranceCardiovascular Chronic cardiac insufficiency Congestive heart failure Early stage of heart disease Heart diseaseConvalescence /Critical care Convalescence Critical care Lactation Malnutrition Palatability enhancenment Peri operative nutritional supportDigestive Acute enteritis Acute or chronic diarrhoea Chronic diarrhoea Colitis Constipation Diarrhoea Diarrhoea: microflora imbalance Enteritis Fibre responsive constipation Fibre responsive hyperlipidaemia Flatulence Food allergy gastroenteritis Food intolerance Gastroenteritis Gastroenteritis: microflora imbalance Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) Loose stools Loose stools: antibiotic use Loose stools: diet change Loose stools: microflora imbalance Malabsorption Maldigestion Protein losing enteropathy Sensitive digestion Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) Weight loss and intermittent vomitingEndocrine Diabetes mellitus Diabetes mellitus in overweight cats Insulin resistanceHealthy Maintenance Dental Plus Healthy maintenance Sensitive digestion Sensitive skin Sterilised Weight managementHepatobiliary Cholangitis/ Cholestasis Copper metabolism disorder Hepatic copper accumulation Hepatic disease (with encephalopathy) Hepatic disease (without encephalopathy) Hepatitis Hepatobiliary neoplasia Liver failure/disease Portosystemic shunt (PSS)Hydration Additional water intakeIntegumentary Dermatosis: inflammatory or allergic Flea bite allergy Food allergy dermatitis Otitis Externa Wound healing and skin recoveryIntergumentary Sensitive skinLymphatic LymphangiectasiaMetabolic/Weight Control Hyperlipidaemia Obesity Overweight Weight loss for Diabetic dogs Weight maintenance after weight loss Weight managementMicrobiota Poor faecal qualityMusculoskeletal Joint mobilityNervous/Brain Age related cognitive decline Brain functionNutrition and Biochemistry Restricted dietary sodiumPancreatic Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency (EPI) PancreatitisRenal Chronic kidney disease (CKD) Renal failure linked to leishmaniasis Renal failure linked to leptospirosisUrinary Idiopathic cystitisUrinary: Urolithiasis Urolith dissolution: struvite Urolith formation: calcium phosphate Urolith formation: cystine Urolith formation: urate Urolith recurrence: cystine Urolith recurrence: oxalate Urolith recurrence: struvite Urolith recurrence: urate Urolith: calcium oxalate Not recommended for Allergy/Adverse reactions to food Cats with specific food allergies Dogs with specific food allergiesConvalescence /Critical care Chronic illness necessitating high energy intake Conditions associated with catabolic state Conditions associated with hypercatabolic state (advanced heart failure, CRF IRIS stages 3 and 4). ConvalescenceDigestive Acute or chronic gastrointestinal disease: Acute or chronic diarrhoea Acute or chronic gastrointestinal disease: Food intolerance Acute or chronic gastrointestinal disease: Gastroenteritis and colitis Acute or chronic gastrointestinal disease: Inflammatory bowel disease Acute or chronic gastrointestinal disease: Malabsorption and/or maldigestion Acute or chronic gastrointestinal disease: Weight loss and intermittent vomitingHepatobiliary Hepatic encephalopathy Hepatic lipidosis (except when associated with hepatic encephalopathy) Liver disease not associated with encephalopathyPancreatic PancreatitisRenal Chronic renal failure Renal failureReproductive Growth and reproduction Lactation Not suitable during pregnancy and growth in puppies before 14 weeks of age Not suitable during pregnancy, lactation and growth Not suitable for growth and reproduction Pregnancy and growthUrinary Conditions associated with the need for a low protein diet (advanced stage of chronic renal failure or hepatic encephalopathy) or low fat diet (fat malassimilation) Conditions that require high protein or phosphorus intake Fluid retention such as ascites and oedema Hyperlipidaemia Other conditions associated with diuresis Simultaneous use of urine acidifiers Situations where a low fat diet or low protein diet is required Main ingredient Beef All Dinner Flavor Flavored with Menu Rich in WithChicken All Dinner Flavor Flavored with Menu Rich in WithChicken and Rice All Dinner Flavor Flavored with Menu Rich in WithCod All Dinner Flavor Flavored with Menu Rich in WithDHA WithDuck All Dinner Flavor Flavored with Menu Rich in WithGlucosamine WithLamb All Dinner Flavor Flavored with Menu Rich in WithLamb and Rice All Dinner Flavor Flavored with Menu Rich in WithMaize All Dinner Flavor Flavored with Menu Rich in WithMedium chain triglycerides oil All Dinner Flavor Flavored with Menu Rich in WithOceanfish All Dinner Flavor Flavored with Menu Rich in WithOther All Dinner Flavor Flavored with Menu Rich in WithPork All Dinner Flavor Flavored with Menu Rich in WithPoultry All Dinner Flavor Flavored with Menu Rich in WithRabbit All Dinner Flavor Flavored with Menu Rich in WithSalmon All Dinner Flavor Flavored with Menu Rich in WithSalmon and Rice All Dinner Flavor Flavored with Menu Rich in WithSoya All Dinner Flavor Flavored with Menu Rich in WithTuna All Dinner Flavor Flavored with Menu Rich in WithTurkey All Dinner Flavor Flavored with Menu Rich in With Toolkits CognitionDerma/SkinDermatosisGastrointestinal & FortifloraHealthy Love - Obesity 2.0Hypoallergenic -Food allergiesNeurocareObesityOptiAgeOptiNutritionUrinaryWCSS - Feline WetWCSS Pouches Modeling Human Cognitive Aging in the Beagle Dog Author: Milgram, N.W. et al. Summary of current knowledge about cognitive changes during aging in dogs in relation with the situation in human aging patients Protein at the Speed of Life Author: Miller, K.B. Review of current knowledge of protein and amino acids in the diet Protein for Optimal Health in Aging Humans: Current Controversies Author: Millward, D.J. Summary and review of protein requirements in elderly people Brain Energy Metabolism and Effects of Aging: Do We Become What We Eat? Author: Overall, K.L. Review of nutritional influences on brain aging in dogs Enhancing Cognitive Functions in Old Dogs: A New Nutritional Approach Author: Pan, Y. et al. Study investigating the benefits of medium chain triglyceride supplementation on cognitive function in aged dogs Addressing Age-Related Changes in Feline Digestion Author: Patil, A.R. review of digestion changes in elderly cats and how best to nutritionally address issues when they arise Feline Decline in Key Physiological Reserves: Implications for Mortality Author: Pérez-Camargo, G. Review of changes in body weight and reserves in elderly cats Dietary Protein Consumption in the Healthy Aging Companion Animal Author: Wakshlag, J.J. Summary of protein requirements of aging companion animals Sarcopenia in Aging: Implications of the Age-Related Loss of Lean Body Mass Author: Wolfe, R.R. Discussion of loss of muscle mass with age in humans Circadian Biorhythms of Sleep/Wake and Activity/Rest Cycles In Adult and Aged Dogs Author: Zanghi, B.M. Review of sleep wake cycles in adult and aging dogs Day One, General Discussion Review of discussion on Kaplan-Meier Curves, Benefits of High-Protein Diets for Senior Dogs, High-Protein Diets for Senior Cats, Aging... General Discussion Review of discussion on Cognitive Function & Antioxidants and Activity & Learning in Aging Animals Pagination First page « Previous page ‹ … Current page 20 Page 21 … Next page › Last page »